Thursday, April 17, 2008

It seems adventure before!

Hehe that was really funny! My trip started with a delay catching the train, I booked the ticket five days ago, and had to depart from Isfahan’s railway station at 10:20’ PM, I took a private taxi from home to the station, and I arrived there at 10:17’ pm, I thought; "I’m really on-time"! But when I opened my eyes saw that there was no one there! Finally I found a station worker, he said that the train had left at 9:20’! shittt my ticket’s time was 21:20’ ! I start laughing … LOL … so I took another taxi to bus terminal, fortunately there was a bus to Tehran, to be honest it was potentially the first time that I would have travelled by train, but it seems it wasn't meant to be.

Saturday March-29-2008 11:… PM

After staying three days in Tehran, working on ieo, going to the mountain with my close friend (Maysam), I’m going to railway again!, my ticket’s time is 14:00’:00”! I guess that it should be 2:00’:00” PM LOL … let see if I can travel by train for the first time?!!...

Sunday March-30-2008 12:50’ PM

: D its 2:10’ PM, yesss I’m on the train!!!
There's a journalist who is working for Etelaat newspaper, and also three Kermanian guys, what a great and funny accent they speak with, we just started talking about some bullshit issues in Iran!

Sunday March-30-3008 2:30’ PM

Another Kermanian guy, this one black, came up to us in Qom station, for a second I said to myself dude you’re going to city where its full of guys like this, he seems a little dangerous at the first glance, but after he knows more about our situation he started talking and I found that he is a cool guy too, so the trip continues, fine …

It’s 8:05’ PM I went to restaurant and had chicken with rice and now I'm laying on the top bunk, thinking on what will be happen in the next hours and the days to come … wow, what will happen??!! Lets see

Sunday March-30-2008 8:10’ PM

12:15’ AM, Monday morning, the heart of adventure is coming to me, all of my colleagues are sleeping right now, and they've turned off the lamp, I’m writing with the light from my headlight , I think we are at Bofq’s station, the train is supposed to be in Kerman by 3:30’ PM, so I’m going to have a snooze till then.

Monday March-31-2008 12:25’ AM

I think it’s my first time I have woken up so soon! Its 7:05’ AM, We arrived Kerman right at 4:00’ AM, the guys from train guide me to find a place for staying there, it’s a beautiful park, next to a square but i have no idea of the name or location.

My mom just called me she doesn’t seem fine, I don’t know why,maybe she is worrying about her son my dad sent hi to me, but he had no time to talk!

I’m hungry/ and I’m packing to find a shop for breakfast, you know that I’m here with no schedule but today I wanna stay Kerman and seek around.

Monday March-31-2008 7:10’ AM

Dammed! There was no shop open to buy anything for breakfast, I back to park which is now “My Park”! I’ve something in my backpack, I start eating.
As I know I’ve to waste time, I found a couch in My Park, lying and start reading the book “SAS Survival Guide”, 9:15’ AM I found myself snoozing on the couch, the weather is cool, that was unbelievable, the weather of desert land and cold like this.

Monday March-31-2008 9:35’ AM

The weather is still like before I decided to leave the park to take a look at some monuments, on the way I saw a hotel in Qods street, ooh I forgot to say that, near My Park there is tourism guide camp which provide travelers map, I got a map, so now I know that the park was at the Baqmelli square, so I was in the Qods street and the hotel’s name is “Reza”!, here is a friendly guy who after some discussion he said that he is from Baft, I asked him about the prices he said 75,000 IRR for a night, I was wondering how cheap is it! Now I believe my friend Mirco. Okay I’ll be back! I said. Seems that the guy doesn’t like to finish the negotiation, he was like how long you wanna stay? Where are you from? And bla blaa blaaaa, again I said “I WILL COME BACK”! so I left there to the bazaar, walking in the bazaar every one send hello to me!! “Hellllo”, “Hi messderr “! :P, still walking …. I arrived to the “Ganjali khan’s Bathroom”, I don’t know why this cultural places are not funny for me!, may because I only want the desert! I just realized that my friend Reza is live in Kerman, so called him. After a short funny negotiation he invited me to have lunch together in Azadi square, as he said Azadi square is the best place if the city, in other hand, “high class”, so we had lunch together. After resting and talking with Reza in My Park, he went home and I slept there for couple of hours, to find a safe place and accepting Reza’s offer, I came to the Qods street to rent a room, it’s fine room with two couch, windows are open to the street, By the way I’m going to plan for tomorrow to go to heart of desert, I mean the “Shahdad” city, it’s 100KM far from Kerman, and located at the east of Kerman.

Monday March-31-2008 6:40’ PM

No Taxi to Shahdad, today because today is “Sizda-be-dar”, I woke up at 8:15’ am with my mom’s call, start packing my stuffs, and I was in closed-shops bazaar by 9 AM, after passing the bazaar if you turn right and walk for about 4 minutes, you’ll arrive a junction which is station to station for Shahdad and also some other cities of the Kerman province, after one hour no taxi, I decided to hitchhike. Waiting for car two guys came to me and start talking English with me, the guys were from Kerman and one of them wants to go to Shahdah too, but after we saw there is no taxi we decided go there tomorrow, the guys brought me to the Arq square with his truck, still talking in English. For a second I said to myself: “God bless the Iranians”!, again realized that the Kermanians are really kind and friendly, now I’ve to wait for shops, and after what decide to have no schedule! Because schedules are usually failed because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

Tuesday April-01-2008 11:01’ AM

It’s one of my specifications that I can’t wait for things to happen, I want to made them happen! So after I had lunch in Arq SQ, I went to a big park in “Pasdaran” junction, slept for an hour there, one guy came to me and asked if I wanna help!! I said “no thanks, … but you know anything about Shahdad?” he knows something and guide me a bit on that. As I said I couldn’t wait! (for the next day) so I went to the Shah dad’s taxi station again, and hopefully there were a taxi to Shahdad, but in this case there were no passenger .. he he, and we got the news that we can’t go to Shahdad till 8 PM because of the traffic from Shahdad to Kerman, we wait till 7, one another passenger came, he was from Afghanistan, and we decided to go to Shahdad with this situation, after while, police stops us & said that we can’t go ahead till traffic decreases!, let me say that, here the TIME is not worth at all! Hehe.

Waiting take till 9:30 PM or may It was 10, after that we arrived Shahdad for an hour, the weather is like Saudi Arabia, the trees are usually palm, taxi driver said that there is a hostel here so I asked him take me there but is wasn’t open! The young Afghanian guy invited me to his home and said that he is living with two other guys from his country, but before that I did see a camp of Red Crescent so I asked the driver to take me back to that camp, so friendly people there invited me for dinner, but as I had some fish tuna I put one on the fire of my little stove and I had dinner, now it’s 12:35’ AM the guys are sleep and unfortunately the sky is cloudy, only some starts are on that, I’ll go to see the desert with one of this guys tomorrow, wow that’s fantastic !

Wednesday April-02-2008 00:40’ AM

Yesssssss! DESERT.

Finally I arrived desert, no present is here! This place called “Kalout”, I didn’t ask about the meaning so many wind-made huge buildings which are like man-made one if you are looking from more than 5 KM far away from. Walking here is really hard, some black sands and earth are the only things you can find here(and also me if you are here now :D ), shadow is pretty cool if it doesn’t noon, I’ve near-by 2 liters water and I hope hop I can stay with that, now I’m going to have some food.

Wednesday April-02-2008 10:05’ AM

After that I had lunch at desert, I did back to the main street and joint the guys of Red Crescent, we went to some places on the near-by valleys, it was about 2:00 PM which we arrived to camp, let say that in the middle of the road there is a camp for the desert surfers, there are electricity and phone & also the water is available in this camping place.

I was really tired, so I lied in the camp but the tornado suddenly started, it was really horrible, I never seen like that before, after it finished, I found myself after more than 3 hours, yes seriously it was 8:30’ PM, and the guy Reza was trying to wake me up by his miscalls to my cell phone, he is a nice friendly guy, and he is about 16 years old.

The responsible of the Cultural Heritage picked me to some other cultural places of the city like “Emam-zade Zeyd”, and “Ab-Anbar-e-Hajtaghi”, we also went around the city by his Jeep, wow dude here at the heart of desert so many friendly people, so many hospitality guys, God bless them!.

Now I’m going to sleep and tomorrow I’m going back to Kerman, and leaving this beautiful city and these kind guys.

Wednesday April-02-2008 10:20’ PM

My funny trip is going to finish today, I backed from Shahdad, at the morning after resting in My Park (you remember that :D?), now I’m a traditional restaurant to have traditional food, the food’s name is “Kashk-o-Bademjan”! , I finished that but I’m still hungry! This kind of food is most like an appetizer! So I’m going to order another one …. LOL.

After I had lunch in “vakil” cultural bathroom, I came to “Motahhary” park. As I see this park is the biggest park id Kerman, here you can see some kind of birds in the caves and also some mammals like rabbit and monkey, I’m waiting for a friend, I want to buy some cookies for the guys in Isfahan, I promised them!.

Thursday April-03-2008 4:10’ PM

Now I’m back to Isfahan, I finished my incredible trip, it means that I’m back to real world again!

I long for DESERT

PS: I Just wrote this post and I'm going to have a edit on my post, so never hesitate to contact me and let me know if there is any kind if mistake in the post's grammar!